How to Extend the Life of Your Tires

October 12th, 2020
Are your tires ready to do their job correctly? Have a look at some of the important suggestions below to ensure your tires are ready to perform when needed.
1. Start with a visual inspection of each tire. Most car-care experts recommend check ups each month and before long road trips. Inspect them for uneven wear, cracks, foreign objects or signs of damage. Remove bits of glass and other foreign objects that may have become wedged in the tread. Ensure each of the tire valves has a valve cap.
2. Check the air pressure in each tire regularly using a good quality tire gauge. If your car came with an onboard tire pressure indicator that gives an exact reading at all four corners, so much the better. If it only has ...[more]
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  Posted in: Tire Information

When To Get New Tires

August 13th, 2020
Jack Furriers Tire & Auto Care gives you the facts you need to make that investment confidently.
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  Posted in: Tire Information

Tire Safety Tips

July 21st, 2020
Proper tire care and safety is simple and easy. Find quick tips and more.
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  Posted in: Tire Information