Why Does My Car Veer to the Right or Left?

March 11th, 2021
Your vehicle should always drive straight and true. If your car veers to the right or left, there could be several possible causes — some more severe than others. The problem doesn’t always have an obvious cause. There could be an issue with tires, wheel balance, and other factors that can cause the vehicle to drift. You will need the help of an expert auto mechanic to properly diagnose the problem. It is hard to focus on safe driving when you’re constantly tugging your wheel so you can keep it straight. Not only is this inconvenient, but it’s also dangerous. We can narrow down the possibilities by looking at some of the issues that can cause this particular problem. The following are the most common culprits of why your car veers to the side. Auto Maintenance and Repair

Wheel Alignment

  Tags: auto repair
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101