When Do I Need Oil Change Service?

July 15th, 2021
Your vehicle's oil change is a simple service with high importance. Oil change services are vital to the overall operation of your car because it helps to ensure the overall health of your vehicle's engine. Low or dirty motor oil can lead to heat damage, corrosion, and metal-to-metal contact between parts. Engine repairs can be costly, so it is best to avoid major engine troubles by staying on top of your car's regular oil changes. Oil changes are an essential part of owning a car. Clean engine oil circulates throughout your vehicle's engine to lubricate components and regulate heat. It also helps to carry dirt and debris back through the oil filter to prevent grime build-up over time. Oil Change Service Tips
Oil quality, car age, and how the car is driven on a day-to-day basis are a few facto ...[more]
  Tags: oil changes
  Posted in: Auto Repair 101